according to this question CSS applied on Handsontable grid row on Scroll is not working properly I'm using a custom renderer to apply styles for my cells (bold, italic, underline, font size, font family).
As is suggested in the answer to the question above, I have a backing array of objects, each one representing each cell in my table with its own attributes so that renderer would know what to render (ie bold: true, italic: false).
However, this seems like a clunky way to do it because when I insert a row/col, I need to reflect this change in the backing array too, so that I can render it again. This seems like too much hassle to me and I can't imagine there's not a simpler way to do it (imagine having a full 100x100 table with custom CSS all over and inserting a col to the beginning).
Example of my code:
var myRenderer = function myRenderer(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments);
var id = row+","+col;
var result = $.grep(arr, function(e){ return == id; });
if (result[0] == undefined) {
if (result[0].bold) {
var cell = $("table tr:eq(" + row + ") td:eq(" + col + ")");
cell.css("font-weight", "bold");
Is there a simpler way to store CSS styles directly in the handsontable instance so that I don't have to have a backing array?
I found out that CSS classes are persistent in cell metadata. This means that it should be possible to have a class for each style (or create them programmatically in runtime) and just append it to the cell classes.
.myBold {
font-weight: bold;
function addClass(row, col, mClass) {
// row is row of the cell, col is column of the cell
var cell = $("table tr:eq(" + row + ") td:eq(" + col + ")");
// OPTIONAL - remove highlights from cells if you selected them by dragging
var classes = cell.attr("class");
classes += mClass; //"myBold" in this case
var hotCells = hot.getSettings().cell; //hot is Handsontable instance
var containsCell = false;
for (var i = 0; i < hotCells.length; i++) {
if (hotCells[i].row == row && hotCells[i].col == col) {
hotCells[i].className = classes;
containsCell = true;
if (!containsCell) {
hotCells.push({row: row, col: col, className: classes});
cell: hotCells
function removeClass(row, col, mClass) {
var cell = $("table tr:eq(" + row + ") td:eq(" + col + ")");
var classes = cell.attr("class");
var hotCells = hot.getSettings().cell;
for (var i = 0; i < hotCells.length; i++) {
if (hotCells[i].row == row && hotCells[i].col == col) {
hotCells[i].className = classes;
cell: hotCells
Remember that hot.updateSettings()
is a slow operation so make sure to do it outside of loops.