In Unity, I am producing a project which procedurally builds a (particularly complicated) world, and stores all generated data in disk files for future use. I've got the file size down to 8 KB per world chunk, and might be able to make it even smaller; but there's an additional cost to opening and closing so many file streams in rapid succession.
On start up, I've got 2,970 chunks created. I've got loading time down to approximately 20 seconds on an FX-8300 cpu with a reasonably fast HDD. Making the files smaller is not likely to help me here; I seem to be running into a fixed cost on opening and closing file streams (multiplied by nearly 3,000!)
So, I'm looking for an alternative. Most of my recent programming experience is in Java, Python, JavaScript, and D; so I may be missing an elephant in the room. LTS is most certainly going to have to be local. Is it possible to accelerate FileStreams, throwing them in some kind of Object Pool? Or can I use some kind of SQLite system? Is there something even better out there?
Unity seems to restrict me to .NET 2.0 features at the moment, but massive quantity file management is a fairly common task (in a broader sense) and I can't help but feel that I'm doing this in a naive way.
Thanks for any and all input!
There's a lot of code, but the relevant part is probably this. Let me know if you need to see anything else.
public bool record(BlockData data) {
string name = BuildChunkFileName(data.Origin);
try {
FileStream stream = new FileStream(BuildChunkFilePath(data.Origin), FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
ushort[] arrayData = new ushort[Chunk.blockSize * Chunk.blockSize * Chunk.blockSize];
int index = 0;
foreach(BlockProperties props in data.Properties) {
arrayData[index] = props.isOpaque ? (ushort)1 : (ushort)0;
byte[] byteData = new byte[(Chunk.blockSize * Chunk.blockSize * Chunk.blockSize) * sizeof(ushort)];
Buffer.BlockCopy(arrayData, 0, byteData, 0, (Chunk.blockSize * Chunk.blockSize * Chunk.blockSize) * sizeof(ushort));
IAsyncResult result = stream.BeginWrite(byteData, 0, byteData.Length, null, null);
while(!result.IsCompleted) {
} catch(Exception e) {
Debug.LogException (e);
return false;
return true;
public bool read(BlockData data) {
int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
int i = 0;
string name = BuildChunkFileName (data.Origin);
string path = BuildChunkFilePath (data.Origin);
try {
FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);
byte[] byteData = new byte[(Chunk.blockSize * Chunk.blockSize * Chunk.blockSize) * sizeof(ushort)];
IAsyncResult result = stream.BeginRead(byteData, 0, byteData.Length, null, null);
while(!result.IsCompleted) {
ushort[] arrayData = new ushort[Chunk.blockSize * Chunk.blockSize * Chunk.blockSize];
Buffer.BlockCopy(byteData, 0, arrayData, 0, byteData.Length);
for(i = 0; i < arrayData.Length; i++) {
x = i % Chunk.blockSize;
y = (i / (Chunk.blockSize)) % Chunk.blockSize;
z = i / (Chunk.blockSize * Chunk.blockSize);
data.Properties [x, y, z].isOpaque = arrayData [i] == 0 ? false : true;
} catch(Exception) {
// a lot of specific exception handling here, the important part
// is that I return false so I know there was a problem.
return false;
return true;
The fastest way to read a binary file is to read the whole file at once with File.ReadAllBytes
as described here. The method has its write counterpart as well.
Using Thread.Sleep(100)
is a terribly inefficient way to wait for a result. I'm not familiar with Unity, but check if your are able to use the async-await C# syntax (along with the Task
object) for asynchronous
Furthermore, if you have a large number of files, it might be beneficial to look into some document-oriented databases that will optimize the read and write part for you and you only need to handle the communication with the database. MongoDB for instance has GridFS that is used for binary data chunks, but there might be some document databases that are even better suited for your use case.
Considering that you don't have any relations, there is no point in using a SQL database for your problem. However, using something like SQLite still might be better than using multiple files.