Good day,
I have a table in one sheet (!Vide) which contains Zip Code ($F), Distance ($I), status ($H) and ID Number ($K) and all the zip codes ($A) for a region in another sheet (!NYI)
I am trying to do a SUMIFS if the order is part of the the zip code in the NYI sheet using:
all the part are working fine appart from the IF(MATCH()) part
here is a sample of the data:
Sheet "Vide":
$F $H $I $K
11412 L 105 1390
90210 L 148.6 95.19
11422 E 135.9 2325.6
in this case only row 1 would be taken in account since it meets all the conditions and is present in the table in sheet NYI:
Sheet NYI:
$A $B
11412 Saint Albans
11413 Springfield Gardens
11422 Rosedale
Any and all help will be appreciated.
Thank you
To make it simpler you have got to use a helper column first:
So that it will have this:
$F $H $I $K $L
11412 L 105 1390 1
90210 L 148.6 95.19 0
11422 E 135.9 2325.6 3
Then change your formula to:
If you need just the formula without a helper column here it is:
You might wanna limit this last part to only rows with data as it will take so much overhead in formula processing, e.g. (Vide!$F$1:$F$100=NYI$A$1:$A$100)