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How do I set a component parameter of type object to a route using Java DSL?

My objective is to use Camel along with its JMS component.

The route config looks like below-


I would like to add the option of kind 'parameter' and type 'object' to this route -for example the option 'jmsMessageType'.

I saw some other posts that talks about using setProperty() on route definition but I could not find a definite answer. Options of type 'string' and numbers can be appended to the URI but not objects.

JMS has an option of taskExecutor but how can i add an instance of this to URI for routing.


  • I had to resolve this by adding the instances to a custom registry and using them from the endpoint URI

    From official Apache Camel page

    From Camel 2.0:

    When configuring endpoints using URI syntax you can now refer to beans in the Registry using the # notation. If the parameter value starts with a # sign then Camel will lookup in the Registry for a bean of the given type. For instance:
