I need to connect to Netezza DB through R studio. I checked some pages already, the answers weren't clear. I don't know much about ODBC drivers and stuffs.
I have this folder that has bunch of dll and .jar files.
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM Netezza ODBC Driver\jre.
Do i have to download any drivers and are there any specific R packages to install for this.
I did this with RODBC package.
First, make sure ODBC connection is set up in ODBC Data source Administrator(Windows system).
Install RODBC package in R studio.
myconn <-odbcConnect("ODBC_connection_name", uid="user", pwd="pass")
q_df <- sqlQuery(myconn,"select * from table", believeNRows=FALSE)
By default only 256 rows is imported. Set believeNRows=FALSE will import all the rows