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FileUploading In CK-editor

CKEDITOR.replace( 'bodyDetails',{
removeButtons: 'Source,Strike',
filebrowserBrowseUrl : '/browser/browse.php',
filebrowserUploadUrl : '/uploader/upload.php'

I just use ck-editor for fileupload.
When I Uploade image in CK-Editor then It will Show me Some alert message "Image source URL is missing."
I don't want to pass URL. I need to pass some image with my local machine. I research some article but not found any proper solution. So Please help me to sort out this problem.


  • In CKEditor for uploading files/images even from your local machine You have to pass the full URL where the images has been stored.

    For example, in my case, All my images are stored in a folder named uploaded

    So, for uploading any image I have to enter full path like

    for the specific folder in the URL section and select the appropriate images you wanna upload.

    Here's the example image:-

    enter image description here

    Even if you want to upload images directly form your local machine. First, You have to send the images to the server from the upload tab of the same dialog window. Then you could upload it to the editor from the server itself.