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Associating two arrays in an RDD by index

I have an RDD contains two arrays for each row RDD[(Array[Int], Array[Double])]. For each row, the two arrays have similar size of n. However, every row has different size of n, and n could be up to 200. The sample data is as follows:

(Array(1, 3, 5), Array(1.0, 1.0, 2.0))
(Array(6, 3, 1, 9), Array(2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0))
(Array(2, 4), Array(1.0, 3.0))
. . .

I want to combine between those two arrays according to the index for each line. So, the expected output is as follows:

((1,1.0), (3,1.0), (5,2.0))
((6,2.0), (3,1.0), (1,2.0), (9,1.0))
((2,1.0), (4,3.0))

This is my code:

val data = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq( (Array(1, 3, 5),Array(1.0, 1.0, 2.0)), (Array(6, 3, 1,9),Array(2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0)) , (Array(2, 4),Array(1.0, 3.0)) ) )
val pairArr ={x =>
  (x._1(0), x._2(0))
//pairArr: Array((1,1.0), (6,2.0), (2,1.0))

This code only takes the value of the first index in each row.
Can anybody give me direction how to get the expected output?



  • You need to zip the two elements in each tuple: =>
    // res1: Array[Array[(Int, Double)]] = Array(Array((1,1.0), (3,1.0), (5,2.0)), Array((6,2.0), (3,1.0), (1,2.0), (9,1.0)), Array((2,1.0), (4,3.0)))

    Or with pattern matching:{ case (x, y) => }.collect
    // res0: Array[Array[(Int, Double)]] = Array(Array((1,1.0), (3,1.0), (5,2.0)), Array((6,2.0), (3,1.0), (1,2.0), (9,1.0)), Array((2,1.0), (4,3.0)))