casperjs can't find the id after set id
casper.then(function () {
var id = String("_newid_");
var arrow = this.evaluate(function () {
var arrows = document.querySelectorAll('span.select2-selection__arrow');
arrows[1].innerHTML = "aa";
arrows[1].id = id;
return arrows[1].innerHTML;
and then error code : CasperError: Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: #newid
Caspers evaluate method runs in separate environment(DOM environment) so the variables defined in casper environment are not accessible in browser environment. However you can pass the variable to browser environment by adding extra parameters to evaluate function.
So for your case id is undefined, but you can pass it properly like this
var id = String("_newid_");
var arrow = this.evaluate(function (id) {
var arrows = document.querySelectorAll('span.select2-selection__arrow');
arrows[1].innerHTML = "aa";
arrows[1].id = id;
return arrows[1].innerHTML;
}, id);