I want create a property from a variable. The variables was created by calling a variable from a xpath extraction, then using a substring to then get the last 4 characters. The substring string value is saved to a variable, then set to a property.
When I run the script, the log.info(vars.get("lastcard")); returns the value of the variable. However it then fails to save to a property, because when that property is called(${__property(lastNum)} it will display - ${lastcard}
import org.apache.jmeter.util.JMeterUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3;
String tesTe = vars.get("card");
String last4 = tesTe.substring(tesTe.length()-4,tesTe.length());
vars.put("lastcard", String.valueOf(last4));
Any ideas as to what is going on
You should read user manual about scripting:
ensure the script does not use any variable using ${varName}
You should use JSR223 variables vars
and props
to handle variables and properties. In your case change last line to:
props.put("lastNum", vars.get("lastcard"));
Also you can set variable in shorter way:
vars.put("lastcard", vars.get("card").substring(tesTe.length()-4));