I am making a manaCount object for an emulator game that I am working on.
The constructor looks as follows:
public ManaCount(int red, int white, int blue, int green, int black, int colorless){
redManaCount = red;
whiteManaCount = white;
blueManaCount = blue;
greenManaCount = green;
blackManaCount = black;
colorlessManaCount = colorless;
I don't see any way around using so many arguments in the constructor, but I was hoping that there was a way to make the instantiation of the manaCount object more descriptive than the following:
ManaCount test = new ManaCount(0,0,0,0,0,0);
As it appears currently, it is impossible to know which color goes in which argument without having seen the implementation. Are there any forms of java wizardry that can accomplish this?
I would suggest you to Use Lombok. This is how you use @Builder .
import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.ToString;
public class ManaCount {
private final int redManaCount;
private final int whiteManaCount;
private final int blueManaCount;
private final int greenManaCount;
private final int blackManaCount;
private final int colorlessManaCount;
// ManaMain.java
public class ManaMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ManaCount manaCount = ManaCount.builder()
Output :
ManaCount(redManaCount=0, whiteManaCount=0, blueManaCount=0, greenManaCount=0, blackManaCount=0, colorlessManaCount=0)