I am using form edit. There are three select boxes in the form. One select box is the country, I have a requirement to bind a jq grid combobox with data on click of a button iam use this code but i dont fill combo with editoptions dataEvents
if($(e.target).val() == '0')
// actions here...
i want fill Dropdown with button click
$('#myButton').click(function() {
// Tell JQGrid to load new data
iam sloved this problem this soultion
function FillGridCombo(Idcol ,JsonStr,Idgrid) {
$("#" + Idgrid).setColProp(Idcol, {
editoptions: {
jQuery.map(JsonStr, function (obj) {
result = new Array();
var jsonString = $.each(obj.Values, function (key, value) {
result[value.Value] = value.Display;
return (result);