I have an uint8_t
array of raw data that I want to write to a file (I have it's length)
The problem is that because I'm dealing with raw data there might be a 0x00
(aka null terminator) somewhere, meaning fputs
is not reliable, the obvious alternative is to have a loop to use fputc()
but is there a way i can do it without that?
Is there say a function that takes a pointer and a size and writes that amount of data from the pointer's location to the file?
In addition to the problem with null-character, there is problem reading binary data when file is opened in text mode (for example fgets
stops when it encounters new line or 0x0A
and 0x1A
character in Windows)
Open the file in binary mode instead, and use fread
FILE *fout = fopen("test.bin", "wb");
And use fwrite
and fread