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Not able to get form-data sent from angular to node server

I am sending form-data along with image-data.
But I am unable to get data on the node server when sent inside FormData.

I could see data on the angular controller on console.log.

angular code:

$scope.saveInfo = function(){
  var formData = new FormData;
  console.log('Update function');
  for(key in $scope.seller){
    formData.append(key, $scope.seller[key]);
  console.log(key, $scope.seller);
  var file = $('#file')[0].files[0];
  formData.append('image', file);

  $http.put('/api/seller/businessInformation', formData, {
    transformRequest: angular.Identity,
    headers: {
      'Content-type': undefined


Node.Js: I could see image data on console.log(req.files);,
but console.log(req.body); prints [object object].


  • The problem is with the ng-model data binding.
    I was binding data like this: 'seller.a.b.c'
    Instead I did seller.a and it worked.