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Jquery Masonry with AngularJS

in my project i try to implement jquery masonry. but its getting working. i try googling but found some post. but i tried it its not working.

my directive code is

shout.directive("shoutList", function($timeout) {
    return  {
        restrict : 'E',

        replace : true,

        templateUrl : 'views/shout/shout-list.html',

        scope : {
            shouts : "="

        //require : "ShoutController",

        controller : function($scope)   {
            $scope.deleteShout = function() {
                console.log('shout deleted');

        link : function(scope, element, attr)   {
            scope.$watch('shouts', function()   {
                // console.log("changing......");
                // scope.$evalAsync(
                        itemSelector: '.shout'
                // );

directive template is

<div id="shout-content-holder">
    <div class="shout" ng-repeat="shout in shouts">
        <img src="media/images/delete.png" width="32" height="32" ng-click="deleteShout()"/>

i load the shouts from a webservice. please help me to make this work...


  • Putting what I mentioned in comment as an answer. This could actually be done using a template rather than using .append() , it would be cleaner. What you'd need is a template to contain a list of columns and ng-repeat, should work just as well, but you'd have to wait for the first item to get inserted before you calculate where to insert the second item; hence the use of .append() here.

    .directive('columns', function(){
      return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {
            itemList: '=', // a list of items
            colCount: "@"  // number of columns
        link: function(scope, elm, attrs) {
          var numCols = parseInt(scope.colCount);
          var colsArr = [];
          for(var i=0; i< numCols; i++){
            colsArr.push(angular.element("<div class='column' style='width:"+(100/numCols -.5)+"%' >Col "+(i+1)+"</div>"));
          angular.forEach(scope.itemList, function(value, key){
            var item = angular.element("<div class='item' style='height:"+value.height+"px; background:"+'#'+Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16)+"'>"+value.value+"</div>");
            var smallestColumn = getSmallestColumn();
          function getSmallestColumn(){
            var smallestHeight = colsArr[0][0].offsetHeight;
            var smallestColumn = colsArr[0][0]; 
            angular.forEach(colsArr, function(column, key){ 
              if(column[0].offsetHeight < smallestHeight){
                smallestHeight = column[0].offsetHeight;
                smallestColumn = colsArr[key]; 
            return smallestColumn;

    Runnable example