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Compare two sets of a class without equals

I have a class Something:

public class Something {
   public String a;
   public String b;

Suppose I can't write equals or compare method in class Something.

My test:

Set<Something> aSet;
Set<Something> otherSet;

assertEquals(aSet, otherSet);//Fails because it only compares references of elements and does not perform a deep comparision field by field

Is there any way to assert if both sets are equals comparing elements field by field (without writing equals method in Something class)?


  • Give a try to AssertJ, it provides a way to compare element field by field recursively, example:

    // the Dude class does not override equals
    Dude jon = new Dude("Jon", 1.2);
    Dude sam = new Dude("Sam", 1.3);
    jon.friend = sam;
    sam.friend = jon;
    Dude jonClone = new Dude("Jon", 1.2);
    Dude samClone = new Dude("Sam", 1.3);
    jonClone.friend = samClone;
    samClone.friend = jonClone;
    assertThat(asList(jon, sam)).usingRecursiveFieldByFieldElementComparator()
                                .contains(jonClone, samClone);

    Another possibility is to compare collections using a specific element comparator so SomethingComparator in your case, this requires a bit more work than the first option but you have full control of the comparison.

    Hope it helps!