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Oauth2, scopes and user roles

I am asking a question conceptually here as I am trying to understand the relationship between scopes and user roles in an OAuth2 based system.

As I am implementing an API, I want to restrict access to specific resources by using scopes on the resources. I understand the use of access tokens to request resources, and I believe my understanding to be correct in that you specify your scope(s) when requesting the access token.

What I am not entirely sure of is how restriction of scopes would work based on specific roles that an authenticated user is in. Let's assume Bob is an admin and Sue is a regular user. We have some resources protected by an is_admin scope. What stops Sue from requesting (and receiving) is_admin scope in her access token?

I am thinking that what should happen is the following:

  • Bob authenticates.
  • Bob's roles are looked up after his authentication is complete. His "admin" role has the "is_admin" scope attached.
  • Bob asks for an access token with all the scopes collected from his various roles
  • Bob is automatically given those scopes for his access token

Is it up to my calling app to enforce only sending asking for the scope Bobs needs? Or is there something I am missing with regards to scopes?

Can someone please enlighten me with some simple examples?


  • In OAuth2, there are the following roles:

    • Resource owner - usually some person
    • Auth provider - the OAuth2 server
    • Resource server - an API that requires an access token and validates its scopes
    • Client application - application requesting an access token with some scopes.

    To understand OAuth2, it's necessary to think about it as a protocol for access rights delegation from a Resource owner to a Client application. So the main use case is: the Client application wants to access the Resource server. In order to do that, the Client application needs an access token issued by the Auth provider and authorized by the Resource owner (which gets authenticated by the Auth provider).

    In your description, the Client application is missing. Let's assume it's a frontend application for your API. It needs an access token with scopes admin-user-scope or regular-user-scope. So it redirect a user (Resource owner) to the Auth provider, requesting both scopes.

    The Auth provider authenticates the user and asks him/her for a consent on granting some of the requested scopes to the Client application. The Auth provider may remove some scopes - for example the admin-user-scope for non-admins. The Auth provider may give the user a possibility to remove some scopes too.

    The Client application receives an access token (or a grant) with scopes in a redirect URI. If the granted scopes differ from the requested scopes, the Auth provider sends a list of granted scopes (the scope URL parameter) along with the access token, so the Client application knows what actions it can perform with the access token.

    Then the client application may access the Resource server and the Resource server makes sure that the provided access token contains required scopes. The Resource server uses the OAuth2 introspection endpoint to validate the token and to get a list of its scopes.