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I/O error on GET request for "https://localhost/application/o/{name}/.well-known/openid-configuration": Connection refused

I'm trying to hook up Spring Security to use a basic Authentik setup. Authentik is running in Docker via Docker Compose, as is my Spring Boot service.

FYI, I've replaced the name of my application with {name} in my question; its not actually {name} in my config.

I've tried the following roots for the URIs in my application.yaml file:

  1. localhost
  2. http://localhost
  3. https://localhost
  4. http://{name of container}
  5. {name of container}

Authentik is running on port 80/443. It has the vanilla self-signed cert. If I go to the following URL in a browser, I get the JSON response as expected:


I can't for the life of me figure out why I can't get Spring Security to talk to Authentik on startup. I've been at this for days.


  • Found the solution. No modification necessary to the Authentik docker compose file. Modification was necessary for my app's docker compose file, however. I had to add the Authentik network to my app's container, and add this at the bottom:

        driver: bridge
        name: authentik_default
        external: true

    Name of the network was ascertained by doing a docker network ls while Authentik was running. That told me the name of the Authentik network. I then modified my application.yaml so it looked at the container name instead of localhost. I was able to obtain the container name of Authentik's "server" container via docker container ls. Hope this helps someone else!