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PHP - Why can I print a private property here?

I have the following code. I have a Human class. The Human has properties, like Eyes, Height, etc.

Each property is not just a string, but an object, with a protected value. I assumed I wouldn't be able to access it unless a method belonging to that class returns or prints it. But it gets printed.

I understand that this issue could be exposed without this convolution, but I want to make sure how to handle this case in particular, too - in case I miss something.

class FilterObject {
 const FACIAL_FEATURES = ['eyes'];

class Property {
 protected $value;

 public function __construct($value) {
  $this->value = $value;
 public function getValue() {
  return $this->value;

class Eyes extends Property {
 const TYPE = 'eyes';

class Height extends Property {
 const TYPE = 'height';

class Human {
 protected $height;
 protected $wings;
 protected $eyes;

 public function __construct() {
  $this->height = new Height('2 metres');
  $this->eyes = new Eyes('blue');

 public function describeFace() {
  $properties = get_object_vars($this);
  $properties = array_filter($properties);
  $properties = array_filter($properties, function($property){
   return in_array($property::TYPE, FilterObject::FACIAL_FEATURES);

$john = new Human();

This outputs:

Array ( [eyes] => Eyes Object ( [value:protected] => blue ) )

Why can I see the value Blue? Should I make sure it's not accessible? How do I do that? Is this somehow because of print_r?


  • From the PHP Docs....

    print_r(), var_dump() and var_export() will also show protected and private properties of objects. Static class members will not be shown.

    print_r is basically a debugging function, so don't use it in your code