I would like to access a local file on my computer by clicking on a HTML link
<a href="file:///\\mynetworklink\users\myusername\public\mydoc.docx">Link to local file</a>
It works very well if I do it from a local HTML file for exemple from :
It even work well by using window.open from Javascript :
<script type="text/javascript">
window.open('\\\\mynetworklink\\users\\myusername\\public\\mydoc.docx', 'MyWindow');
But when I do it from my local PHP app with Apache if am not allowed to do so. Exemple of error while trying with a link tag :
Not allowed to load local resource
So I heard that Chrome/Firefox/IE are blocking local file access this way for security reasons.
Isn't there any way to make it work without modifying the browsers settings ? This app is used by a lot of customers and I can't ask everybody to modify there settings.
Thank you, Best regards.
So I heard that Chrome/Firefox/IE are blocking local file access this way for security reasons.
Isn't there any way to make it work without modifying the browsers settings ?
No. That would make it a pointless security feature.