I am trying to group a datasheet and return the sum of column a based on values in column b but I still need to return the sum of the complete column c so I can't filter the table prior to grouping. I just tried this:
Table.Group (
, {
, {
"Sum Criteria"
, each List.Sum (
Table.Column (
Table.SelectRows (
, each [ColumnB] = "Foo"
, "ColumnA"
, Int64.Type
, {
"Sum Complete"
, each List.Sum ( [ColumnC] )
, type number
But the numbers aren't right, in my example the result of the criteria based column should be 15 but it's returning 35.
Can anyone please help me figure out where I am erring?
I am really sorry for asking this question, the solution I used initially was right. my mistake was that I previewed the results by adding another column which contained all rows, and while I was previewing it, I counted them out and found that the numbers didn't match. When I expanded the table many more rows were revealed showing that the formula was accurate.
I wonder what the bug is with the query designer that it didn't show all the rows while previewing the table.
I am leaving the question so other people can see my formula and enjoy it.