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GeoMesa: Cassandra table with composite key

Is it possible to create a Cassandra table with GeoMesa specifying keys (ie - a composite key)? I have a spark job that writes to Cassandra and a composite key is necessary for the output table. I would now like to create/write that same table somehow through the GeoMesa api instead of directly to Cassandra. The format is like this:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mykeyspace.testcompkey (pkey1 text, ckey1 int, attr1 int, attr2 int, minlat decimal, minlong decimal, maxlat decimal, maxlong decimal, updatetime text, PRIMARY KEY((pkey1), ckey1) )

Is this possible? You can see also in the create table statement that I have a partition key and a clustering key. From what I have read, I believe Geoserver does support both Simple and Complex features. I am just wondering if that support also maps over into the realm of Cassandra with GeoMesa?

Thank you


  • GeoMesa does use composite partition and clustering keys for Cassandra tables, but the keys are not configurable by the user - they are designed to facilitate spatial/temporal/attribute CQL queries.

    Keys can be seen in the index table implementations here. The columns field (for example here) defines the primary keys. Columns with partition = true are used for partitioning, the rest are used for clustering.