Is it possible to create a Cassandra table with GeoMesa specifying keys (ie - a composite key)? I have a spark job that writes to Cassandra and a composite key is necessary for the output table. I would now like to create/write that same table somehow through the GeoMesa api instead of directly to Cassandra. The format is like this:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mykeyspace.testcompkey (pkey1 text, ckey1 int, attr1 int, attr2 int, minlat decimal, minlong decimal, maxlat decimal, maxlong decimal, updatetime text, PRIMARY KEY((pkey1), ckey1) )
Is this possible? You can see also in the create table statement that I have a partition key and a clustering key. From what I have read, I believe Geoserver does support both Simple and Complex features. I am just wondering if that support also maps over into the realm of Cassandra with GeoMesa?
Thank you
GeoMesa does use composite partition and clustering keys for Cassandra tables, but the keys are not configurable by the user - they are designed to facilitate spatial/temporal/attribute CQL queries.
Keys can be seen in the index table implementations here. The columns
field (for example here) defines the primary keys. Columns with partition = true
are used for partitioning, the rest are used for clustering.