My Facebox pop-up contains a form with a submit button. I also have a second button to open an unrelated Facebox pop-up that was working before I added jQuery.validate to the project. I need to validate the email and password fields prior to being submitted.
I should add that these pop-ups are loaded via external .html files. This loaded them via AJAX request.
On index.html, the pop-ups are setup ($k is equal to jQuery.noConflict());
loading_image : '/images/loading.gif',
close_image : '/images/closelabel.gif'
And the link clicked to open the above Facebox:
<a href="login.html" title="Log In" rel="example_2" id='login'>Log In </a>
And everything below is in login.html
The validation:
$(function () {
rules: {
email: { required: true, email: true },
password: "required"
messages: {
email: "",
password: ""
And the form:
<form name="login" method="post" action="login.aspx">
And the button that doesn't work
<a href="#" title="Register" onclick="showRegister()" ><img src="images/register.jpg" /></a>
Nick helped me get the form posting in this post, but it seems to have broken the other button. I'm having problems debugging the script, because I don't know if Firebug can set breakpoints in externally requested (via XHR) pages.
I tried adding a click handler to the broken button that just called showRegister(), and that didn't work either. showRegister()
simple calls $('#linkFromIndexDotHtml').click();
which is, in fact, a link from index.html. I thought that may be the problem, but it worked prior.
I had the same problem and solved it with info from
$.extend($.facebox, {
settings: {
dom_data: null,
dom: null,
... *add in the variables dom and dom_data in the main declaration of facebox
if (href.match(/#/)) {
var url = window.location.href.split('#')[0]
var target = href.replace(url,'')
$.facebox.settings.dom = target;
$.facebox.settings.dom_data = $(target).children();
$.facebox.reveal($(target).children().show(), klass)
... *this is in fillFaceboxFromHref
$(document).bind('close.facebox', function() {
$.facebox.settings.dom = null;
$.facebox.settings.dom_data = null;
... * this is at the end of the file