Hello i am developing a clock in and out attendance app which has a timer service that runs when the user clocks in. the issue i am having is when i start the service and then press the back button on the phone to return to the previous page i get a service connection leak and i am not sure how to resolve this as it seems to stop the service.
//onStart - to start the timer in service class
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
manager = (NotificationManager)getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
displayNotification("Clock in timer started");
clockTask = new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
//onDestroy to stop the service and counter
public void onDestroy() {
long mins = seconds/60;
long hours = mins/60;
// manager.cancel(R.string.notification);
displayNotification("Clocked out after : "+""+hours+":"+mins+":"+String.format("%02d",seconds));
//seconds = 0L;
//how i bind the intent in my activity class
Intent i = new Intent(this, StartTimerService.class);
bindService(i, seamysConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
Any help would be greatly appreciated
that happens when Android OS destroys Activity
and finds that A ServiceConnection
still binded to a running Service
, so you need to Unbind
the service before destroying your Activity
(back to a previous page
unbind the server
You should use same context
for binding a service and unbinding a service. If you are binding Service with getApplicationContext()
so you should also use getApplicationContext.unbindService(..)