I want to have cakephp paginate data and still use containable
, but for some reason it seems to ignore my pleas to contain
anything and just gives me back the entire Tenant
row. In my TenantsController
I have the following code:
$conditions = array('ManagersTenant.manager_id'=>$this->Auth->User('id'));
$this->Tenant->ManagersTenant->recursive = 1;
$this->set('tenants',$this->paginate($this->Tenant->ManagersTenant, $conditions, array(
I'm simply trying to retrieve a Tenant
but display only the username
is just an alias for my User
What am I doing wrong here? If it helps, cakephp is throwing an Undefined Index: Group notice at me under the Group
column. I believe my model relationships are find because I can make cake retrieve the right data using find()
, it's just when I try to use pagination that it breaks.
Firstly, you need to use the model name as the key:
...'contain' => array('Tenant' => array('username'))
Secondly, using the Containable behaviour trumps recursive, so don't bother setting it.