I'm trying to connect to a Sql Server database from a liberty server.
Doesn't work as I'm getting a 500 from the liberty server and the logs give me this error message: The driver could not establish a secure connection to SQL Server by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. Error: SQL Server did not return a response.
My xml:
<library id="sqlServerLib2" apiTypeVisibility="spec,ibm-api,api,third-party"
<fileset dir="${server.config.dir}/lib/global" includes="mssql-jdbc-6.1.0.jre8.jar"/>
<dataSource id="myDataSource" jndiName="jdbc/myDataSource">
<jdbcDriver libraryRef="sqlServerLib2"/>
<connectionManager maxPoolSize="100" minPoolSize="0"/>
I've looked at IBM's pages. Didn't give much help.
I've also googled the error message but people usually say that I should just update my driver to at least 4.2. I'm using 6.1, so that doesn't really apply.
What am I missing here? Thanks.
EDIT: I took a look at Microsoft's pages and found that i was using an incompatible jdbc-api version. I changed this from 4.0 to 4.1.
I also defined the dataSource and connection pool classes in my datasource
<jdbcDriver libraryRef="sqlserverLib2"
Now I'm getting a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDataSource
I tried using the mssql-jdbc-6.1.0.jre7.jar
(java 7) instead. Then all of a sudden i worked. What am I doing wrong with the jre8 version of the driver?
The main error was that I used a version of the jdbc-api that was incompatible with the mssql-jdbc-6.1.0.jre8.jar driver. Changing to version 4.1 fixed it.
The classNotFoundException was just a blunder on my part(forgot to update the pom.xml)