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How to exclude folder in gulp task for images?

I am using Gulp 4 for my frontend projects. I am want to exclude "fav" folder in "img" folder for gulp-imagemin. How can I do this? This is my project structure:


This is my gulpfile.js:

var paths = {
    html: {
        src: "src/**/*.html",
        dest: "dest/"

    styles: {
        src: "src/styles/**/*.sass",
        dest: "dest/styles/"

    scripts: {
        src: "src/js/**/*.js",
        dest: "dest/js/"

    images: {
        src: "src/img/**/*.*",
        dest: "dest/img/"

function images() {
    return gulp.src(paths.images.src)
            progressive: true,
            interlaced: true,
            use: [pngquant()],

Thanks and happy coding!


  • You can also try using gulp-filter:

    const filter = require('gulp-filter');
    // function images() {
    gulp.task('images', function () {
      // restore option lets us bring back the removed files later
      const f = filter(paths.images.exclude, { restore: true });
      return gulp.src(paths.images.src)
        // filter out, remove, files in the fav directory
        // do stuff to remaining files (not including fav/*.*)
          progressive: true,
          interlaced: true,
          use: [pngquant()],
        // Bring back the files previously removed from the stream
    var paths = {
      images: {
        src: "src/img/**/*.*",
        exclude: ["src/img/**/*.*", "!src/img/fav/*.*"],
        dest: "dest/img/"
    gulp.task('default', ['images']);

    [Written in gulp3.9 style since that is what I have in my test bed.]

    But I do agree that in this case it may be better to just make two tasks as @Abijeet suggested.