i have got 3 tables on MySql database. i want to do left join between this 3 tables and count with group by.
City Table
School Table
Student Table
/* MySql raw query like this: */
select Count(tstudent.id) as StudentCount, tcity.Id, tcity.Name
from City tcity
left join School tschool on tcity.Id = tschool.CityId
left join Student tstudent on tschool.Id = tstudent.SchoolId
group by tcity.Id;
With EF Core i try like this:
class CityWithStudentCount {
public int Id { get;set; }
public string CityName { get;set; }
public int StudentCount { get;set; }
Ef Core :
var db = new MyDbContext();
var result = (from city in db.City
join school in db.School on city.Id equals school.CityId into tcity
from r1 in tcity.DefaultIfEmpty()
join student in db.Student on school.Id equals student.SchoolId into tschool
from r2 in tschool.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new CityWithStudentCount
Id = city.Id,
CityName = city.Name,
StudentCount = tschool.count()
} into s1
group s1 by s1.Id)
Result must be like that :
1 City1 10
2 City2 3
3 City3 0
4 City4 0
5 City5 12
How can i do like this query for this result with Entity Framework Core. Thank you.
Your query is wrong.
var result = (from city in db.City
join school in db.School on city.Id equals school.CityId into t1
from school in t1.DefaultIfEmpty()
join student in db.Student on school.Id equals student.SchoolId into t2
from student in t2.DefaultIfEmpty()
group student by new { city.Id,city.Name } into cityGrouped
select new CityWithStudentCount
Id = cityGrouped.Key.Id,
CityName = cityGrouped.Key.Name,
StudentCount = cityGrouped.Count(x => x.student != null)
Also, I strongly suggest you to use navigation properties instead of manual building joins.