How to add a query to the router-link so the user will be redirected to the comment under a post by clicking on the link from the notification?
API gives us an anchor
of the notification and id
of the comment. When the DOM renders a page, it loads a post firstly, then comments.
Here is a component of the notification:
<i class="g-font-size-18 g-color-gray-light-v1"></i>
<router-link :to="linkFromNotification(item)
<span v-html="item.message"></span>
import {mapActions, mapGetters} from 'vuex'
export default {
props: ['item'],
computed: {
methods: {
linkFromNotification (item) {
if (item.notification_type === 'user_subscribed') {
return {name: 'person', params: {id: item.object_id}}
} else if (['comment_created', 'answer_selected', 'answer_created'].includes(item.notification_type)) {
return {name: 'show_post', params: {id: item.object_id}}
} else if (item.notification_type === 'user_coauthored') {
return {name: 'show_post', params: {id: item.object_id}}
If you mean url queries you can use key query in the object you are returning, If you mean a hash "#" to be added to the link you can use the key hash. for example:
{name: 'person', params: {id: item.object_id}, query:{name:"Mohd"}, hash:"214"}