Using this definition of a group:
Structure group :=
G :> Set;
id : G;
op : G -> G -> G;
inv : G -> G;
op_assoc_def : forall (x y z : G), op x (op y z) = op (op x y) z;
op_inv_l : forall (x : G), id = op (inv x) x;
op_id_l : forall (x : G), x = op id x
(** Set implicit arguments *)
Arguments id {g}.
Arguments op {g} _ _.
Arguments inv {g} _.
Notation "x # y" := (op x y) (at level 50, left associativity).
And having proven this theorem:
Theorem mult_both_sides (G : group) : forall (a b c : G),
a = b <-> c # a = c # b.
How do I write an Ltac that automates the process of left multiplying a given equality (either the goal itself or a hypothesis) by a given term?
Ideally, using this Ltac in a proof would look like this:
left_mult (arbitrary expression).
left_mult (arbitrary expression) in (hypothesis).
Building on the answer given by larsr, you can use Tactic Notation
s to write
Tactic Notation "left_mult" uconstr(arbitrary_expression) :=
apply (mult_both_sides _ _ _ arbitrary_expression).
Tactic Notation "left_mult" uconstr(arbitrary_expression) "in" hyp(hypothesis) :=
apply (mult_both_sides _ _ _ arbitrary_expression) in hypothesis.
Using uconstr
says "delay typechecking of this term until we plug it into apply
". (Other options include constr
("typecheck this at the call site") and open_constr
("typecheck this at the call site and fill in holes with evars").)