I am using j2html to create render html pages via Java, if the html called any javascript function I was putting the Javascript into a separate .js file. However it seems sensible to only include functions is the main application javascript file if they are general purpose functions used by multiple pages. A function written specifically for one page shod be stored somewhere else, creating separate .js files for each page is an administrative nightmare so I want to put them into the html itself near the calling code.
I can do this easily enough, and below is an example created by copying function directly from .js file and wrapping within j2htmls script and rawHtml tags. My problem is that the Javascript code within my Java code is not as readable as it is when within the seperate js file.
Is there any way I can write it in a neater more readable way ?
private Tag artwork()
return script(rawHtml("function artwork() {\n" +
" \n" +
" select = document.getElementById('fsArtwork');\n" +
" selected = select.options[select.selectedIndex].value;\n" +
" if(selected==0)\n" +
" {\n" +
" \tdocument.getElementById('saveArtworkFilename').disabled = true;\n" +
" }\n" +
" else\n" +
" {\n" +
" \tdocument.getElementById('saveArtworkFilename').disabled = false;\n" +
" }\n" +
In the comments below I keep getting asked why I don't want to use templates , there are a number of reasons:
My webpages are not currently created with templates so it would seem if I wanted a html page with some javascript in it and used templates as suggested I would have to redo the whole page using templates
Since I wouldnt want to write my html in multiple different ways I would be duty bound to redo all my pages in templates
So why didn't I used templates in the first place ?
First of all the main advantage of templates is to separate what the web-developer does from the server developer. I am doing both so there is not an advantage for me. I use a separate stylesheet so if at a later date I want a web-designer to improve the look by modifying the style then they can do that, templates dont help.
Another advantage is code readability, this what certainly true when comparing jsps to servlet code but is not true when comparing to j2html. This lib ensures I can only create wellformed code, and that I can take advantage of Java for creating dynamic and data based pages much more easily then templates.
Using templates would require learning their esoteric ways
Using templates would complicate build and deployment
Webpages generated from templates is considerably slower than pure Java, from j2html website You think template engines are too slow. This index page was rendered 100 000 times in less than a second on an i5-4670. That's about a thousand times faster than Apache 'Velocity' (hah!)
Trying Tipsy's answer
When I try to generate the page it complains
Couldn't find file with path='javascript/artwork.js'
My code contains the existing external files initilization and a location within the main classpath (newly added). Is it okay to have both.
Within the main jar file (songkong-4.13.jar) that contains the manifest the javascript file is located within javascript folder which is top level folder within the jar.
I do notice that within the manifest songkong-4.13.jar itself is not listed in the Class-path, this have never been an issue but could that be the issue now ?
Also within my Intellij project itself the javascript folder is in src/main/resources, this seemed to be the default but it would not work running within IntelliJ either.
Now working in Dev
The problem was that I was using a relative path
instead of
So it now works in dev.
But when I build it and run outside of dev it is not finding the file again, even though it there in the main jar file directly as /javascript/artwork.js
Further Update
It was a bug in j2html https://github.com/tipsy/j2html/issues/84 but was fixed in 1.2.1 and I was using 1.2.0, now everything is working.
In Summary
I don't know if you would call this templating or not but works perfectly for me. The page specific javascript can be written in file, but then embedded into the rendered html file , and because in main jar no additional deployment issues that you would have if actually deployed as standard files.
I think you should write your JavaScript in .js
files. Include them either via script().withScr("/path/to/file.js")
(if the file is hosted), or via scriptWithInlineFile_min("/path/to/file.js")
(if you want to read the file from the classpath/file-system).