I just began to learn the Polymer and at the moment to bind the paper-tabs and iron-pages together, so if I click the tab the content will be loaded dynamically. After reading the documentation here is what I have at the moment
<paper-tabs class="tabs" attr-for-selected="page" selected="{{ selectedBrowsePage }}">
<paper-tab page="artists">
</paper-tab >
<paper-tab page="artists">
<paper-tab page="artists">
<iron-pages selectedBrowsePage="artist" selected="{{ selectedBrowsePage }}">
<div attr-for-selected="page" >1</div>
But it still doesn't work...could you please give me a hint how could I fix it?
Your iron-pages
block has to be fixed - it consumes the selectedBrowsePage
via binding but does not propagate the change anywhere. The selectedBrowsePage="artist"
bit is wrong too, no such property exists on iron-pages
element. Also it is invalid to use camelCase
for properties to be set up through markup, use dash-case
if you need.
It should be something along:
<iron-pages attr-for-selected="page" selected="{{ selectedBrowsePage }}">
<div page="artist">1</div>
<div page="etc...">2</div>
Pretty much the same as in paper-tabs
. This way the iron-pages
element once it receives some value (like "artist") through selected="{{selectedBrowsePage}}"
it will look for any child element that has the attribute specified by attr-for-selected
set to the corresponding value (here the first div
) and do its magical switching.
Once you get a hang of how it's working you could drop the attr-for-selected
altogether as the default behavior is to use indexes.
Look throught PSK, it has that pattern laid out pretty straight.