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Cucumber - Unable to run tests using runner

Issue: When trying to run the cucumber runner class in order to test specifics tests (by tag), the tests will not run. The following messages will be received:

    Feature: Homepage

Test ignored.

Test ignored.

  Scenario: whateves     # Homepage_TC.feature:4
    Given printsomething

1 Scenarios (1 undefined)
1 Steps (1 undefined)

You can implement missing steps with the snippets below:

public void printsomething() throws Throwable {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

Process finished with exit code 0

Running the feature file will work just fine. Below you can find the runner.

@CucumberOptions(features = "src/INGPSD2/main/resources/",
                 format = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber",},
                glue = "src/INGPSD2/test/java/Steps",
                 tags = {"@Testone"})
public class runnerCucumber { }

Hooks class:

public class Hooks {
private static List<DriverFactory> webDriverThreadPool = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<DriverFactory>());
private static ThreadLocal<DriverFactory> driverFactory;
public SoftAssert softAssert = new SoftAssert();

public static void instantiateDriverObject() {
    driverFactory = new ThreadLocal<DriverFactory>() {
        protected DriverFactory initialValue() {
            DriverFactory driverFactory = new DriverFactory();
            return driverFactory;

public static WebDriver getDriver() throws Exception {
        return driverFactory.get().getDriver();


// ----------------- SETUP

// -----------------------

public static void closeDriverObjects() throws Exception {
    for (DriverFactory driverFactory : webDriverThreadPool) {


Please let me know if i can provide more information as this issue is really annoying and i couldnt find anything yet that could help.


  • You have a mistake defining glue. You should use package name instead of path to
    So change glue = "src/INGPSD2/test/java/Steps" to glue = "package_name" where your class with steps is located.