1.Based on this code https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/regex/test_harness.html
Can anyone please explain what is this \"%s\"
while (matcher.find()) {
console.format("I found the text" + " \"%s\" starting at " +
"index %d and ending at index %d.%n",
found = true;
I just know that %s
is for string.
2.Refering the meta-characters https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/regex/literals.html is there any explanation for this outputs?
mean you want to put a String between two quotes for example the result can be :
I found the text "some string"
//""-------------^ ^
// %s ^_________^
use for Strings, if you want to use digit you can use %d
and so on
In Java quote should be escaped how? you can use backslash \"
so consider I have a String which contain quotes like this Hello "World"
how to use this as a String in Java :
String string = "Hello "World""; //<<------- this is an error syntax
To solve it, you have to escape the quotes :
String string = "Hello \"World\"";
^ ^
take a look at https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Formatter.html