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React native: export default App with multiple module wraps

I Have the following App.js in my react native project:

class App extends Component {

    render() {
        return (
          <ApolloProvider store={store} client={client}>
        <AppWithNavigationState />


export default App = codePush(App);

I am trying to add aws amplify authenticator to my project ( but the steps tell me to add :

export default withAuthenticator(App);

^^ How do I do that when I have already codePush wrapped around the App component that I am exporting?


  • TL;DR: The withAuthenticator is basically a higher order component which takes a component, decorates it (i.e. provide some special props or customizations of sorts) and returns a new component composed of the component you passed in. So in your case if you want multiple HOCs, you can simply say -

    export default withAuthenticator(codePush(App))

    This syntax can get potentially nasty from a readability standpoint if you have, say, 5 decorators. It is useful in such cases to use the new decorator syntax. With it you can do neat things like -

    export default class App extends Component {

    If you are using babel, check out this transform-decorators babel plugin to make sure decorators are correctly transpiled.