With a Set
in Ceylon it is straightforward to determine if one collection is a superset of the other. It's just first.superset(second)
. What's the best way to do the equivalent for an Iterable
, List
, or Sequential
using multiset (or bag) semantics? For example something like the pseudocode below:
{'a', 'b', 'b', 'c'}.containsAll({'b', 'a'}) // Should be true
{'a', 'b', 'b', 'c'}.containsAll({'a', 'a'}) // Should be false
There is Category.containsEvery
, which is inherited by Iterable. It checks for each element of the parameter whether it is contained in the receiver, so that bigger.containsEvery(smaller)
is equivalent to this:
(Note that it is swapped around.) The expression in the brackets here is a method reference, we could also write this expanded with a lambda:
smaller.every(o => bigger.contains(o))
So in your example:
print({'a', 'b', 'b'}.containsEvery({'b', 'a'})); // Should be true
print({'a', 'b', 'b'}.containsEvery({'a', 'a'})); // Should be false
... actually, those both return true. Why do you think the latter one is false?
Did you think of multiset semantics (i.e. the number of occurrences in the "superset" iterable need to be at least as much as the smaller one)? Or do you want a sublist? Or do you just want to know whether the second iterable is at the start of the first (startswith)?
I don't know about any multiset implementation for Ceylon (I found a multimap, though). If you are running on the JVM, you can use any Java one, like from Guava (though that also doesn't have a "contains all with multiples" function, as far as I can see).
For small iterables, you can use .frequencies()
and then compare the numbers:
Boolean isSuperMultiset<Element>({Element*} bigger,
{Element*} smaller) =>
let (bigFreq = bigger.frequencies())
every({ for(key->count in smaller.frequencies())
count <= (bigFreq[key] else 0) })
For sublist semantics, the SearchableList interface has the includes
method, which checks whether another list is a sublist. (It is not implemented by many classes, though, you would need to convert your first iterable into an Array, assuming it is not a String/StringBuilder.)
For startsWith semantics, you could convert both to lists and use then List.startsWith
. There should be a more efficient way of doing that (you just could go through both iterators in parallel).
There is corresponding
, but it just stops after the shorter one ends (i.e. it answers the question "does any of those two iterables start with the other", without telling which one is the longer one). Same for a bunch of other pair related functions in ceylon.language.
If you know the length of both of the Iterables (or are confident that .size
is fast), that should solve the issue:
Boolean startsWith<Element>({Element*}longer, {Element*}shorter) =>
shorter.size <= longer.size &&
corresponding(longer, shorter);