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Embed image in email body nodemailer nodejs

I am following the approach used in the nodemailer community site but I cannot seem to get it to work as I am getting the error

   Failed to send email { Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 
 errno: -2,
  code: 'ESTREAM',
  syscall: 'open',
  path: './rello-logo-full-svg.svg',
  command: 'API' }

The nodemailer options are as follows

    let mailOptions = {
        from: '<from_email>', 
        to: to_email_address.toString(),
        subject: 'Subject',
        text: 'Hello world', // plain text body
        attachments: [{
          filename: 'rello-logo-full-svg.svg',
          path: './rello-logo-full-svg.svg',
          cid: 'unique@cid'
        html: emailBody

And in the emailBody variable I have a template string with an image tag line like so

<img style="width:250px;" cid:unique@cid>

Do I maybe need to set the static assets for express or what, the image file is in the same folder as the file that has the above code, any help is appreciated


  • So I got it to work by using ...

     path: __dirname + '/rello-logo-full-svg.svg',


    But funny this is not what I was trying to achieve because I wanted the image to be in the email body, bu hope this'll help someone else.

    Hey, I just changed the file name from .svg to .png, another mistake I made was with the image in the template, I have changed it to

     <img style="width:250px;" src="cid:unique@cid">