I have a Eclipse RCP project I'm working on which uses the Project Explorer as default Navigator. For this Project Explorer I want to set the Project and also the Package Presentation hirarchical as the default value. Is there any Method or Extension Point so set these values for start up?
I found a solution by settin the preferences for the providing plugins:
IEclipsePreferences workbenchPrefs = InstanceScope.INSTANCE.getNode("org.eclipse.ui.workbench");
workbench.putBoolean("org.eclipse.ui.commands/state/org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources.nested.changeProjectPresentation/org.eclipse.ui.commands.radioState", true);
IEclipsePreferences jdtPrefs = InstanceScope.INSTANCE.getNode("org.eclipse.jdt.ui");
jdtPrefs.putInt("org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.navigator.layout", 1);
With this set both, the package and the project presentation, changed to hirarchical on startup.