I want to identify the position and amino acid change in a specific region of interest in my sequences, and store that information in a table.
Is it possible to do something like this in R, by maybe using the bioconductor package? I have managed to do a simple alignment of the sequences with AlignSeqs() from the DECIPHER package, but I am unable to pull out the differences in the sequences automatically. I start with FASTA files.
I want to end up with something like this:
Isolate ID Reference_AA Sample_AA Pos
1 S T 254
2 T D 200
3 L A 230
I have a reference sequence which is 74 AA long, and I want to look at differences in the query sequences (which are much longer than the reference) compared to the reference, and list the results in a table. The position column is related to the position in the reference sequence and not in the query sequence. I want the first AA in the reference sequence to start at 68, not 1.
I find it difficult to add example sequences for this as they tend to be very long, but here is something shorter to work with (not related to the table above):
Expected output:
ID Reference_AA Sample_AA Pos
query1 R T 70
query2 A L 72
Since you want the position in the reference, you can just use a series of pair-wise alignments to the reference sequence. biostrings
includes a mismatchTable
function that will give you data frame with all the info you need. With a bit of reformatting using dplyr
mismatches <- function(query, ref) {
pairwiseAlignment(ref, query, substitutionMatrix = "BLOSUM50",
gapOpening = 3, gapExtension = 1) %>%
mismatchTable() %>%
Sample_AA=as.character(SubjectSubstring)) %>%
select(ID, Reference_AA, Sample_AA, Pos)
bind_rows(mismatches(seqs[2], seqs[1]), mismatches(seqs[2], seqs[1]))
#> ID Reference_AA Sample_AA Pos
#>1 query1 R T 70
#>2 query2 L A 72
Here's how to loop over inputs using lapply
bind_rows(lapply(seq_along(seqs[-1]), function(i) mismatches(seqs[i+1], seqs[1])))
#> ID Reference_AA Sample_AA Pos
#>1 ref R T 70
#>2 ref L A 72