I'm trying to connect to an h2 database on my local machine to create a sql DataSource object. I'm running windows and i'm having some issues defining the path to the data file in my projects app.properties file.
Say the path to the local directory data file is:
How would one go about defining a connection url for this?
I've tried the many things including the following:
project.db.url = jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost\\\\D:\\projects\\myproject\\data\\project
Then I thought maybe it's the JDBC URL that's the issue, so I tried:
project.db.url = jdbc:h2:tcp:\\\\localhost\\\\D:\\projects\\myproject\\data\\project
As per documentation, default JDBC
connection string is
And, for TCP connection
But, if you wanted to create/read h2 database to/from specific folder, then it should be
That means,
Thanks @Sam for sharing info.