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Configuring Plexus Logging

I have a library that uses Plexus Logging facilities. My project configures it's own logging through slf4j with slf4j-simple.

I've tried to mute the logging in the library through using

This had no effect.

Debugging into the culprit class, I found that it's injected a org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger. Whenever I get my component from the container, that Logger is an org.codehaus.plexus.logging.console.ConsoleLogger.

I tried to bind my own NoOp implementation of the logger for injection like so:

PlexusContainer container = new DefaultPlexusContainer();
// other components
// remove all Logger components
container.addComponent(new NoOpLogger(), Logger.class, "default");

But that did not have an effect on the actually injected logger instance. I was able to obtain my Logger implementation from the container using container.lookup(Logger.class), but the component still used it's ConsoleLogger.

To remedy that I tried to register a LoggerManager that'd construct my logger implementations like so:

// code from above, and additionally
container.addComponent(new NoOpLoggerManager(), LoggerManager.class, "default");

While I now can also obtain my LoggerManager from the container, still the ConsoleLogger is injected to the Library's component.

How can I make sure my NoOpLogger is injected into the component?


  • The Logger implementations injected by DefaultPlexusContainer are not obtained by looking them up from the components.

    Instead you need to bind the LoggerManager through DefaultPlexusContainer#setLoggerManager like this:

    DefaultPlexusContainer container = new DefaultPlexusContainer();
    container.setLoggerManager(new NoOpLoggerManager());
    // other components