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How to return customize group by using underscore js?

I'm calling and binding data using rest api and trying to manage group by functionality using underscore js. But I can't determine how could I do that.

Here is my returned data image: enter image description here

I'm doing group by on int value that works fine but my expected output is group by 0-1,1-2,2-3 by distance value suppose array is returning distance 0,0.224,0.50,1.22 then output should be in two array 0: 0,0.224,0.50 and 1: 1.22



  • If I understand you correctly you should use

    _.groupBy(, function(d) { return Math.floor(d.distance); })

    in this case you will get the output that you expect. Check the demo:

    var array = [0,0.224,0.50,1.22]
    console.log(_.groupBy(array, Math.floor));
    <script src=""></script>