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Default custom realm in keycloak

Our team is working on a project that integrates into Keycloak. We created a custom realm, say ProjectX and enable our custom theme on it to be applied in the login page of Keycloak.

Since our theme is applied on the realm ProjectX and not in master, then how can we default the custom realm to be displayed(with the theme) when we first access the keycloak login page?


  • Not sure which project you are building and how you are configure keycloak in your ProjectX project. Ok lets ignore all these thing and see how we generally browse keycloak .We Simply hit https://<IP ADDRESS>:<PORT>/auth then it will show some link and we click to Administration Console and it will redirect to MASTER realm url.

    Which look like this https://<IP ADDRESS>:<PORT>/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/auth?client_id=security-admin-console&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2F135.250.138.93%3A8666%2Fauth%2Fadmin%2Fmaster%2Fconsole%2F%3Fredirect_fragment%3D%252Frealms%252Fbasic-auth%252Ftheme-settings&state=47381ff9-eb03-4419-bac3-8824d57f9c0d&nonce=be95ef5a-0737-49a3-be0b-4577f7a050ae&response_mode=fragment&response_type=code&scope=openid

    Now in your case you want to access the url for particular realm and not default(Master) realm,So here is the Solution hit below url.

    https://<IP ADDRESS>:<PORT>/auth/realms/<REALM-NAME>/account

    But make sure you created user for your realm and give proper rights to particular user.