The HTTP GET call works fine locally, but fails when the app is deployed to Heroku or zeit.
Here is the code:
const searchUrl = "https:/" + searchTerm;
method: "get",
url: searchUrl,
responseType: "json"
I'm making a call to Hackernews API. But when I open network tab while loading the app in heroku, I see it is making the call to
(the actual url should be
), somehow it is inserting
in between the actual URL that I've specified.
I thought it might be a problem with heroku, and deployed my app on zeit to see if it fixes the issue. Same thing again. This time it made a request to
is where my app is deployed).
I tried with native fetch, and axios library. Still same issue.
Hours of google searching didn't help me, so I'm posting this here. Any help appreciated.
Turns out there was a typo in the URL (missing a '/' after the protocol). It worked fine after correcting it.
When I called fetch
in my localhost with the incorrect URL (missing '/'), the browser corrected it for me. But it created problems when the app was deployed on a cloud platform.