If the user clicks Accept in the following confirm box, a .png pre-defined file should be downloaded.
if(confirm('Press accept to download the .png')){
//code to download the .png
Your problem is twofold...
This is done with the download attribute...
<a id="abc" href="some URL" download="some URL">Download Image</a>
Link the DL with a confirm msg box...
Putting it all together...
<a id="abc" href="https://ibm.box.com/shared/static/tpnmvjclp166xbtlqpx712d2qzlvpity.png" download="https://ibm.box.com/shared/static/tpnmvjclp166xbtlqpx712d2qzlvpity.png" style="visibility:hidden;">Download Image</a>
<body onload="if(confirm('Press accept to download the .png')){abc.click();}">
NB: I'm hiding the anchor link from view with style="visibility:hidden;"