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Can we mock a spy object using mockito?

I have a class called RadiationControl and I created a spy for it in the following way.

RadiationControl radCtrl = new RadiationControl();
RadiationControl spyRadCtrl = Mockito.spy(radCtrl);

I have a chained method call inside a different class called StationMonitor which is being called by using the RadiationControl object. When I am trying to use the above created spy and trying to access that which has method parameters and they vary from time to time.

StationMonitorObject stationMonitorObject = radCtrl.getStationMonitorLoader().retrieveCVStationMonitorObject(Long.parseLong(syngId), status);

Thus with the above syntax when I try to stub the spy for that method call it's complaining to stub properly.

StationMonitorLoader stationMonitorLoader = StationMonitorLoader.getLoader(domain);

  Mockito.doReturn(stationMonitorObject).when(stationMonitorLoader).retrieveCVStationMonitorObject(any(Long.class), null);

Is there any better approach to deal such scenario ?


  • Is there any better approach to deal such scenario ?


    The problem here is:

           .retrieveCVStationMonitorObject(Long.parseLong(syngId), status);

    This is a violation of the law of demeter (aka don't talk to strangers!).

    The method retrieveCVStationMonitorObject() should be available in class RadiationControl and delegate the call to its dependency (which looks like being a StationMonitorLoader...)