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In TFS, how do I find all Test Cases in a Test Suite with a query (C#)?

With Team Foundation Server, given a WorkItem of type "Test Suite," how can I write a query to select all Test Cases associated to that Test Suite?


  • Unfortunately, there are no work item links created between Test Plans, Suites and Cases. So although they are Work Items, they don't have links. This means that a default query isn't possible.

    A work around is tagging all test cases in a suite with the name of the suite. You can then use a query that filters on the work item tags.

    You can go even further and automate the creation of tags by using some Web Hooks and Azure Functions (or some other hosted API) magic. This allows you to create a Web Hook that listens for the creation (or updates) to Test Cases. By using some of the code mentioned in the other posts you can retrieve the Test Suite of the Test Case and then use the REST API to add it as a Tag to the Test Case.