Morning Stackoverflow community,
I've search for the past three day's on this problem & still have not come up with a solution to this problem. The web address is and as you can see there are 4 Featured items, I would like the 5th to be placed at the end of the row. I've edited the ratio to 20% and even 5% and no matter how much room there is i can't seem to get the last box to float beside the rest. I would apreciate it someone knows the correct solution.
I have also tried the setting within opencart for example setting featured limit etc.
Alreet Steve! Thought I'd answer this for you, seen as though it didn't really get answered... Just drop out the ".product-layout" class from the second div on the featured.tpl/latest.tpl.
The page doesn't have grid control like the category pages, so common.js injects a cheeky bit of java that doesn't work as columns/grids aren't defined.
.product-layout class is only used a tag for java so won't hurt it.