I have a collection with documents that have the following fields:
I would like to return a cursor to all the documents that meet the following critiria:
Is this query correct?
DBObject query = new BasicDBObject("$gte",99)
.append("description", new BasicDBObject("$not", ".*abc")))
DBCursor cursor = collection.find("collection name", query, projection)
This query:
have status "complete"
and field_num greater than 100
and that their description does not contain "abc" pattern?
... can be expressed as follows:
Bson query =
// where field_num > 100
new BasicDBObject("field_num", new BasicDBObject("$gte", 100))
// where status is ' complete'
.append("status", new BasicDBObject("$eq", "complete"))
// where description does not contain 'abc'
// note: this uses inverse matching since the $not operator
// is not allowed with the $regex operator
.append("description", new BasicDBObject("$regex", "^((?!abc).)*$"));
In versions of the Java driver > 3.0 this can also be expressed more simply as:
Bson query= Filters.and(
Filters.gt("field_num", 100),
Filters.eq("status", "complete"),
Filters.regex("description", "^((?!abc).)*$")
The query is executed as follows:
MongoClient mongoClient = ...;
MongoCollection<Document> collection = mongoClient.getDatabase("...")