jmeter (jms point-to-point) error while connecting IBM - MQ :
javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class: com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory [Root exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
Need help in resolving the error. FYI:
is added in lib folder, 32 bit jdk 1.8
jms point-to-point configuration in jemeter
JNDI configuration in mq explorer
After adding the jars (copied all the MQ Jars (that comes with a complete Websphere MQ installation) and placing them into JMeter/Lib) new error encountered:
Error: Response message: java.lang.IllegalStateException: QueueConnectionFactory expected, but got
Binding file is there in place (C:\Users*****\Downloads\apache-jmeter-3.3\apache-jmeter-3.3\JNDI-Directory)
You do not state which version of IBM MQ jar files you are using, however was introduced in IBM MQ v8, so you must be using v8 or v9.
The v9 Knowledge Center page "What is installed for IBM MQ classes for JMS" states the following:
The fscontext.jar and providerutil.jar files are required if your application performs JNDI lookups using a file system context.
In summary you need to include the following jar files:
See my answer to "Upgrade of Java 8 and MQ - NoClassDEfFoundError for more information.
UPDATE 2018-01-25
Related to the secondary error:
Error: Response message: java.lang.IllegalStateException: QueueConnectionFactory expected, but got
In the following answer Attila Repasi addresses the error you are receiving:
JMeter 3.2 Point-to-Point configuration for IBM MQ 8 => Java Exception
The answer states:
Create a MQQueueConnectionFactory in MQExplorer instead of the MQConnectionFactory you have now.
In addition in the following answer Attila Repasi describes how to configure JMeter with IBM MQ v8 and addresses what to do in MQ Explorer.