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Java or Groovy: loop through hashmap and display html table in Velocity template

DISCLAIMER: Some users cannot read the code comments. This is NOT homework. I am trying to concatenate html and a hashmap. I never did this before. None of the explanations I found out there work. If I use "#" it complains.

Task: using Groovy or Java, display HTML table with HashMap results.
Pseudo Code: please forgive any syntax issues and focus on the tr loop

import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder; // feel free to suggest another package

def hashmap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
hashmap = {Array1:['a','b','c'], Array2:[1,2,3]};

    a1, a2 -> "${a1}: ${a2}"
    def target = a2['Array2'];

    StringWriter st = new StringWriter();
    def mkup = new MarkupBuilder(st);
     // Issue: syntax error using "#", I do not now how to concat both objects

        #foreach( $t in $target ) 

    String desiredOutput = st.toString();

Desired output:



  • Here you go:

    • For defining hashmap, it is simple in groovy, no need to use {..}
    • Assuming that all the entries in map should be shown in the table.
    import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
    def hashmap = [Array1:['a','b','c'], Array2:[1,2,3]]
    StringWriter st = new StringWriter()
    def mkup = new MarkupBuilder(st)
    mkup.html {        
       hashmap.collect{ k, vList ->     
            table {
               vList.collect {tr it}
    println st.toString()

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